Laurent David, Michel Le Breton, and Olivier Merillon, “Public Utility Pricing and Capacity Choice with Stochastic Demand”, IDEI Working Paper, n. 489, August 2007.
Laurent David, Michel Le Breton, and Olivier Merillon, “Public Utility Pricing and Capacity Choice with Stochastic Demand”, in Social Ethics and Normative Economics: Essays in Honor of Serge Christophe Kolm, Marc Fleurbaey, Maurice Salles, and John A. Weymark (eds.), Berlin: Springer, April 2011.
Published in
Social Ethics and Normative Economics: Essays in Honor of Serge Christophe Kolm, Marc Fleurbaey, Maurice Salles, and John A. Weymark (eds.), Berlin: Springer, April 2011