A privileged location in the South-West of France
Toulouse enjoys a privileged geographical location with its proximity to the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Pyrenees. The school is based in the TSE Building, near the garonne and closed to the city’s historical center (a few minutes’ walk from the Place du Capitole).
A campus with all the necessary tools for a quality education:
- Lecture halls
- Libraries
- Lunchrooms
- Gymnasiums
- Wifi access within the whole campus
- Computer rooms
- Multimedia Languages Laboratories
Please note that the research center has moved to 1, Esplanade de l'université Toulouse but courses are held throughout the Toulouse Capitole University campus.
Good to know
School and Admission
The School and Admission Department is located at the building of Toulouse School of Economics
1, Esplanade de l'université
31000 Toulouse
Just a few meters on foot from the Place St Pierre and about 700 meters from the Manufacture des Tabacs (couses campus)
Fall 2024-25
- Licence 1: August 30, 2024
- Licence 2: September 2th, 2024
- 3rd year Bachelor, Master 1 and Master 2 ETE/MED and MRes: September 2th, 2024
- Other Masters : September 9th, 2024
Key dates
- Admissions : from November to March for foreign students (see Admissions section)
- Infosup : 11 January 2025
- OPEN DAY TSE: 8 February 2025
- Business Networking day: 29th November 2024
- Gradudation ceremony: 30th November 2024
Academic Calendar
Interested in practicing sport at the university?
For more information, have a look at the University website.
Toul'Box is a device to help students and researchers, both French and international, to anticipate their arrival and settling in Toulouse. The services offered by the Toul'Box are structured in thematic packages. Some are free, others are paying services and they cover: migration formalities (visas), administrative, housing assistance, language training, reception procedures and cultural integration. From simple information to the capacity to anticipate and accomplish initiatives, the range of services offered is wide and modular. The Toul'Box allows the following up and support of students and researchers throughout their stay.
To learn more, https://toulbox.univ-toulouse.fr/
Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eNpMNMkw9s
Online services
- Digital work Environment: Students at the Toulouse Capitole University can access emails, timetable, online courses, internship agreement, ...using the "ENT" (Environnement Numérique de Travail = digital work environment) "monespace" with your Sesame Id and password.
- Internships and jobs offers: they are made available to students and alumni on the alumni & Community website http://alumni.tse-fr.eu
- Moodle: Moodle is the online educational educational platform of the University, which is accessible online. It is an exchange platfom with your teachers, and also offers work group activities. Find out more about how using Moodle
Past exam papers
Past exam papers are available on the library web site (in French).
Two main libraries are available:
- Arsenal (Economic Books on Level 2) Opening hours and Access HERE
- Manufacture des tabacs (Level 1 and 2) Opening hours and Access HERE
At any time, you can see how busy the libraries are in real time by visiting this website: https://www.ut-capitole.fr/accueil/bibliotheques/informations-pratiques
A large range of online economics resources are available on UT Capitole website (ARCHIPEL CATALOG): https://www.ut-capitole.fr/accueil/bibliotheques/documentation/economie
Social Assistance
Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Etudiantes (FSDIE)
The Fond de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Étudiantes (Solidarity and Development Fund for Student Initiatives) facilitates the implementation of a genuine institutional policy in the area of student life.
FSDIE is financed through a portion of The Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC (student life and campus contribution). This contribution, established by the 'Orientation and Success of Students' law, is 'intended to promote the social, health, cultural, and sports reception and support of students, and to strengthen preventive actions and health education conducted on their behalf' (article L. 841-5 of the code de l'éducation (education code)). The initiatives funded by the CVEC are partially coordinated with Toulouse Capitole University (e.g., sports activities).
The FSDIE is overseen by a committee, established after approval by the Board of Directors on December 17, 2024 (n°CA 2024-68). This committee meets in two different groups, depending on whether it's discussing social assistance or supporting student initiatives. The allocation of the budget for this fund is decided by the plenary committee at the beginning of the year and confirmed by TSE director. In accordance with current regulations, funds are distributed with the goal of limiting the portion designated for social assistance to a maximum of 30% of the FSDIE, while ensuring continued support for student initiatives.
The committee's decisions are taken by the deliberative committee, half of whom are TSE students.
Social assistance
The 'social aid' section of the FSDIE aims to offer one-time financial support to TSE students, considering specific criteria. It is not intended to replace existing CROUS assistance programs.
- Assistance is available to students enrolled in initial training, without any age restrictions or nationality requirements, regardless of whether they receive grants based on social criteria or not.
- It is intended for people with serious difficulties. The student's social and financial situation is examined beforehand.
- Students currently under disciplinary sanction at the time of application are not eligible for the program.
Composition of FSDIE social aid applications
- Application form fully completed, dated, and signed.
- Letter detailing the individual training project and the situation encountered.
- Bank details (RIB).
Forms are available and must be submitted to the TSE Student Reception Office (Office T035, ground floor of the TSE building, 1 Esplanade de l'Université) at least 8 days before the committee meeting date.
Applications are evaluated by social services assistants from SIMPPS (Centre SIMPPS centre-ville Université Toulouse Capitole). ANY APPLICATION THAT HAS NOT BEEN PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED BY A SOCIAL SERVICES ASSISTANT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Students are invited to contact SIMPPS (secretary's office: 05 61 63 63 37 25) to make an appointment for social evaluation as soon as possible.
Date of the Social Aid committee | Application deadline |
12/02/2025 | 04/02/2025 |
16/04/2025 | 08/04/2025 |
05/11/2025 | 28/10/2025 |
Support for Student Initiatives
Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Etudiantes (FSDIE)
The Fond de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Étudiantes (Solidarity and Development Fund for Student Initiatives) facilitates the implementation of a genuine institutional policy in the area of student life.
FSDIE is financed through a portion of The Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus - CVEC (student life and campus contribution). This contribution, established by the 'Orientation and Success of Students' law, is 'intended to promote the social, health, cultural, and sports reception and support of students, and to strengthen preventive actions and health education conducted on their behalf' (article L. 841-5 of the code de l'éducation (education code)). The initiatives funded by the CVEC are partially coordinated with Toulouse Capitole University (e.g., sports activities).
The FSDIE is overseen by a committee, established after approval by the Board of Directors on December 17, 2024 (n°CA 2024-68). This committee meets in two different groups, depending on whether it's discussing social assistance or supporting student initiatives. The allocation of the budget for this fund is decided by the plenary committee at the beginning of the year and confirmed by TSE director. In accordance with current regulations, funds are distributed with the goal of limiting the portion designated for social assistance to a maximum of 30% of the FSDIE, while ensuring continued support for student initiatives.
The committee's decisions are taken by the deliberative committee, half of whom are TSE students.
Support for Student Initiatives
Student projects are governed by article L. 841-5-1 of the code de l'éducation (education code), aimed at 'promoting the reception and providing social, health, cultural, and sporting support to students and their families,' as well as 'supporting preventive and health education initiatives.' The focus on support initiatives aligns the school's objectives with broader public policy objectives, as outlined in article L. 123-2 of the code de l'éducation, which defines the missions of the public higher education service.
Conditions for Projects promoters:
- Case 1: The request for support for student initiatives is made by one or more students who are currently enrolled in a TSE course at the time of application.
- Case 2: The funding request is submitted by a student association. A student association is an entity governed by the law of 1st July 1901 related to the contract of association and is duly registered with the local prefecture. This association is managed by students who are enrolled in a TSE course at the time of the application and operates under the guidelines implemented by TSE.
Conditions for compiling the application:
- Projects are co-financed or show that co-financing is being sought.
- Projects must include a comprehensive description of the planned action (covering feasibility and coherence), along with a detailed, balanced provisional budget (including income and expenses) supported by relevant documents such as estimates and invoices.
- Communications files and all mock-ups must be submitted to the TSE communications department (com@tse-fr.eu) at least one month before the event.
- Incomplete or late applications will be considered inadmissible.
Projects conditions:
- The project is part of a civic, social, cultural, artistic, environmental, health promotion, knowledge sharing and dissemination initiative.
- The project helps to promote the image and attractiveness of TSE.
- The project contributes to student and campus life.
- It is relevant to the target audience and has a significant impact on the TSE community.
Exclusion criteria:
- Projects with a proselytizing nature, including those of political, religious, or philosophical origin, or those inciting hatred, discrimination, or exclusion based on factors such as origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, political, philosophical, or religious convictions, are strictly prohibited.
- Commercial projects, where the aim is to make a profit or even to generate publicity.
- Projects intended to cover the day-to-day running costs of the association are not eligible for funding.
- Projects whose primary purpose is to transfer funds to another association or to support an association outside the scope of the project are not eligible for funding.
- Projects lacking student participation in their design, governance, or purpose.
- Projects conducted as part of a student's course and evaluation (under supervision and graded).
- Projects primarily designed for the internal promotion of a course or class. - Tourist, educational or humanitarian travel projects.
- Festive events that fail to meet the prevention conditions, including the appointment of prevention and safety advisors, regarding risks associated with alcohol, drugs, and violence, especially those of a violent nature.
Projects developers are encouraged to consult the details outlined in délibération n° CA 2024-68.
Composition of FSDIE support for students initiatives application files
- Application form duly completed, dated, and signed.
- Bank details (RIB).
- If applicable, the moral and financial report of the last subsidized action.
If the application is submitted by a student association:
- The latest declaration receipt from the prefecture for associations.
- Duly declared and signed Articles of Association.
- Bank details of the association.
- For all applications over €2,000, the association's annual balance sheet and profit and loss account.
Applications must be submitted to the TSE Student Reception Office (Office T035, ground floor of the TSE building, 1 esplanade de l'Université) 15 days before the date of the committee meeting.
The review of applications is based on the examination of the submitted document.
- For funding applications of less than €1,000, only the application is reviewed, and project sponsors are not invited to attend unless specifically requested by the committee.
For funding applications over €1,000, or by decision of the committee, the project is presented at the meeting by the project leader or, where appropriate, a TSE student representing the applicant association (member of the board). The hearing consists of two stages:
- Oral presentation of the project by the student.
- Discussion with the committee members.
PLEASE NOTE: All grants are subject to a post-action report. Within two months of completing the project, project sponsors are required to submit an activity report and a detailed financial statement. This should be accompanied by copies of paid invoices corresponding to the grant amount awarded for the project. This report is sent to Pôle formation (education@tse-fr.eu) for distribution to committee members and to produce the annual FSDIE report. The committee reserves the right to summon project leaders if the project deviates from the initial plan.
Date of support for students initiatives committee | Application submission deadline |
05/03/2025 | 19/02/2025 |
18/06/2025 | 04/06/2025 |
19/11/2025 | 05/11/2025 |
Very dynamic students associations
The association "Bureau des élèves" (BDE)
It aims at fostering integration and inter-student relations at TSE. The association organizes parties, weekend breaks or longer trips. TSE students can also share ideas with the association's board...Don't hesitate to make suggestions!
- Facebook / @bdetse sur Instagram
- President: Hugo Comes
- Office MF012
The TSEconomist is a magazine produced and designed by TSE students. Students publish this magazine to help develop its readers’ critical thinking skills and connect researchers, TSE Alumni, and the school’s students, bringing the TSE Community together around debates on major social issues.
- The magazine is always looking for new ideas and members, contact them: the.tseconomist@gmail.com
- Website
- Office MF006
Say it aloud TSE
This association is the TSE students forum for debate. It aims at promoting the open-minded and eclectic ideas at TSE. To achieve this goal this association organizes some debates between TSE students and lots of conferences on many topics held by highly-qualified speakers.
- Facebook page / @sayitaloudtse (instagram)
- Web page:
- Contact: sayitaloud.tse@gmail.com
- Office MF008
This association is in charge of organizing sport activities for TSE students.
- Facebook page
- Office MD303
Junior Etudes
TSE Junior Etudes belongs to the Junior Enterprises movement, the first French student movement gathering more than 200 Junior Enterprises. These associations put companies and students in contact by carrying out rewarded studies.
TSE Junior Études sells its services in Macroeconomics, Environmental Economics, Industrial Economics, and Data Analysis, which are the skills acquired at the end of the training provided by TSE.
- For more information, visit the website: https://tse-junior.com/
- If you want to join the association: room MF 002
- Linkedin: TSE Junior Etudes / Instagram: tse_junioretudes
Women in Economics at TSE
Women in Economics at TSE is a new association dedicated to building community among women and fostering a more inclusive environment in economics and at TSE.
Président: Maria Frech
The Toulouse School of Economics is committed to welcome and support students with disabilities , in collaboration with the University of Toulouse Capitole.
The Toulouse Capitole University Handicap Office is here to welcome you, advise you and set up personalized assistance to enable you to study in the best possible conditions.
- Delphine Pouts: TSE Handicap Advisor
Bureau UT Handicap : handicap@ut-capitole.fr
05 61 63 35 28 ou 05 61 63 37 05 / Bureau AR31 – bâtiment Arsenal
If You Are Coming to Study in France for the First Time
Specific procedures are required. Affiliation to French Health Insurance (Assurance Maladie) is free and mandatory for all students in France, whether French or international.
Affiliation to French Social Security is both free and compulsory. It ensures that your healthcare expenses are covered for the entire duration of your studies. If you are European, refer directly to the section “If You Are European.”
Your Registration Steps
Upon your arrival in France and after obtaining your enrollment certificate from a higher education institution, register on the dedicated Health Insurance website: etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr.
This applies to you if:
- You are not European.
- You are European but do not have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
How to Proceed?
- Fill in the required information and upload the necessary documents, which vary depending on your situation and country of origin.
- Once these steps are completed, your personal space will be created.
- You can access it using the email address provided during registration.
- Consult the Health Insurance tutorial on enrolling foreign students.
Your Healthcare Steps
To ensure proper coverage of your healthcare expenses, follow these essential steps:
Order Your Carte Vitale
The Carte Vitale must be updated annually and whenever there is a change in your situation. You can update it at terminals located in Health Insurance offices or most pharmacies. Keeping it updated ensures your data is current and simplifies reimbursement of your healthcare expenses.
Open Your Ameli Account
Use the Ameli app or website (ameli.fr) to monitor reimbursements, update your personal information, and ask questions via messaging.
If You Are European
You Have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
You do not need to register on etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr. If you are a citizen of the EU/EEA or Switzerland, you can request an EHIC from the social protection organization in your home country.
Check the page List of European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) Countries on accueil-etrangers.gouv.fr.
As long as your EHIC is valid for at least the entire academic year, your home organization will continue covering your healthcare costs. In case of illness, you only need to pay the co-payment (or remaining costs) by presenting this card or the provisional certificate to healthcare professionals and facilities.
You Do Not Have an EHIC
You can request one from the social protection organization in your country. If you do not have an EHIC, you must register on etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr.
You Have an S1 Form
You must register on etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr. The S1 form is a portable document obtained from the healthcare organization in your home country before your departure. It allows you to enroll in the French social security system and applies only to citizens of EU/EEA countries or Switzerland.
Have Questions?
If you encounter difficulties during your Health Insurance registration, contact 3646 (free service + call cost) Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Upon request, you can speak to an English-speaking advisor, and an appointment can be scheduled.
Learn More About Health Coverage for International Students
Useful Information and Contacts
- ameli.fr: News, rights, procedures, reimbursements, and health information.
- Ameli Account: Access all services in your personal space.
- Ameli Forum: For general questions.
- 3646: Free service + call cost, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- Local Health Insurance Office: Visit the Health Insurance office in your area.
Do You Have More Questions?
- Consult the dedicated student section on ameli.fr.
- Visit the Ameli Forum for general questions.
Healthcare on Campus
Free Health Check-Ups
University student health services (SSE) offer health assessments and additional support to ensure well-being.
Declare Your Primary Care Physician
This ensures better medical follow-up during consultations with a doctor in France. A primary care physician provides appropriate care and can refer you to specialists if needed. Additionally, reimbursements are higher when a primary care physician is declared.
How to Find a Primary Care Physician?
Use the Ameli Health Directory to access a list of healthcare professionals and facilities, including their addresses, consultation hours, services offered, and average fees.
Join a Supplemental Health Insurance Plan
To complement Health Insurance reimbursements and reduce out-of-pocket expenses (the amount left to pay after Health Insurance coverage).
Free health checks
The university’s student health services (SSE) offer free health check-ups. Do not hesitate to respond to any invitations you may receive or to make an appointment.
In Toulouse, these services are provided by the SIMPPS based on the Toulouse Capitole University campus (Secretariat: 05 61 63 37 25).
Free first-level consultations
- See a doctor
- Vaccinations
- Quit smoking
- Talking about addictions to alcohol or cannabis
- Talking about feeling blue or depressed
- Dental Health
- Screening and treating sexually transmitted diseases
Student Health Services are responsible for students' mental and sexual health, addictions and nutritional support.
STD screening
Depending on your situation or preference, there are several ways of getting tested. You can find all the information you need on the Aids Info Service website or in this article.
Well-being, relaxation, diet, psychological health
Student Health Services can help you with advice, recipes, meal baskets and techniques for well-being, breathing and meditation that can positively affect concentration, sleep, etc.
SIMMPS also helps students with psychological health issues.
- Contacts and useful information on psychological help for students
If you suffer from endometriosis, you can benefit from special arrangements to improve your daily life and study conditions.
Access health and disability rights
Temporary or permanent disabilities must be taken into account when monitoring studies. To this end, the UT Capitole Handicap office provides assistance to TSE students.
Complementary Health Insurance / Mutual Insurance
You can take out complementary health insurance to supplement the reimbursements provided by Assurance Maladie. You may be eligible for financial assistance.
What is complementary health insurance?
Suppose you want to top up your National Health Insurance reimbursements. In that case, you can subscribe to a complementary health insurance scheme of your choice (a specialised student health insurance scheme such as LMDE, Smeno, SMERRA or HEYME, your parent's health insurance scheme, or other complementary organisations, etc.).
Reimbursements vary depending on the contract and the complementary health insurance chosen. They reimburse some or all of the expenses not covered by the Assurance Maladie.
The Occitanie region offers a number of schemes to help you pay for additional health coverage.
Complementary health insurance (C2S)
Complementary health cover covers health costs not reimbursed by the Assurance Maladie (including hospital costs). Depending on your income, it costs either nothing or 8 euros a month if you are under 29.
To summarise…
- It means you don't have to pay for your doctor, dentist, physiotherapist, hospital bills or medicines.
- 100% cover for dentures, glasses and hearing aids with the 100% Santé package
- Depending on your income, it is either free or available for €8 a month
- Guaranteed no advance payment of healthcare costs
- Guarantees that doctors' fees will not be exceeded
How does it work for students?
If you are under 25
You are considered to be dependent on your parents if:
- you are attached to their tax household
- OR you live under the same roof
- OR you receive tax-deductible maintenance payments from them
In this case, your entitlement to C2S will be examined as part of a family claim and will be assessed in relation to the household, including your parents.
But if you meet all of the following conditions:
- You are not living under the same roof as your parents at the time of the claim
- AND you have filed a separate tax return, or you swear on your honour to do so next year
- AND you do not receive any maintenance payments giving rise to a tax deduction
- OR you swear on your honour not to receive any more the following year
In this case, you can apply for Supplémentaire santé solidaire individually, i.e. on the basis of your resources alone. Please note that grants based on social criteria do not need to be declared when applying for Complementaire santé solidaire.
If you have a dependent or are expecting a child, your parent's income will not be considered when reviewing your application. If you are a single student who receives annual emergency assistance from the Crous via the Fonds national d'aide d'urgence (Fnau), you can apply for Supplémentaire santé solidaire on a personal basis and benefit from it independently of your parent’s household.
If you are over 25
To benefit from Complémentaire santé solidaire, you make an independent application. You must meet the usual conditions:
- Your healthcare costs must be covered by the Assurance Maladie (French national health insurance)
- Your income does not exceed the ceiling for the Complémentaire santé solidaire.
Please note that grants based on social criteria do not need to be declared when applying for Suppémentaire santé solidaire.
If you receive the Revenu de solidarité active (RSA) or have applied for RSA, you are entitled to the Complémentaire santé solidaire.
- Go to the simulator to find out if you are eligible
- All you need to know about Supplémentaire santé solidaire
Choosing a regular doctor
What does it mean?
The coordinated care pathway consists of choosing and consulting a doctor as a priority, known as the ‘médecin traitant’, to coordinate your medical care. If you declare a preferred doctor, you will receive better coverage for your healthcare costs.
Choosing a doctor
You can choose your preferred doctor in the town where your parents live or where you study.
You can choose your preferred doctor, in agreement with your doctor. You then complete the ‘Declaration of Choice of preferred doctor form' with the doctor.
This declaration can be made online by the doctor and in your presence during a consultation at his or her surgery, on presentation of your Vitale card. The doctor you have chosen will send your declaration online directly to your health insurance fund. Alternatively, you can complete the form linked above with your doctor and send it by post to your health insurance fund.
Special cases
I am far from my “médecin traitant” or he is unavailable
If, for example, you fall ill away from your GP or need an emergency consultation, you can consult another doctor. The doctor will indicate the distance or emergency on your medical claim form, and you will be reimbursed as normal.
Note that a situation is considered urgent if it was not foreseen more than eight hours previously; it must concern a condition (or the suspicion of a condition) endangering your life or the integrity of your body, requiring the rapid mobilisation of the doctor. Care or treatment following an emergency is considered to be part of the coordinated care pathway as long as your preferred doctor is kept informed.
If your regular doctor is absent, you can consult his or her usual replacement, and reimbursement will be normal. If, on the other hand, you consult any other doctor, except in the special cases specified above, your reimbursement will be only 30%.
I'm changing my “médecin traitant”
You must submit a new declaration of choice of preferred doctor if you change your preferred doctor or if your preferred doctor ceases to practice, changes activity or moves house.
I cannot find a “médecin traitant”
If you cannot find a preferred doctor, you can contact the regional contact organisations.
Which medical treatments should be reimbursed?
If you wish to have your healthcare costs reimbursed in the normal way, you should consult your preferred doctor first, apart from the exceptions listed below. If you choose to declare your preferred doctor and consult him or her first, your usual reimbursement rate will remain unchanged.
You consult a general practitioner in sector 1. The consultation costs €26.50.
- If this is your registered GP, you are covered by the coordinated care plan. The Assurance Maladie will then reimburse 70% of the consultation fee, less a €2 fixed contribution, and reimburse €16.55.
- If you do not have a registered regular doctor, you are outside the coordinated care pathway. The Assurance Maladie will only reimburse 30% of the consultation fee, i.e. €5.95.
Your “médecin traitant” may refer you to another doctor, either a GP or a specialist (rhumatologist, cardiologist, dermatologist, etc.): the correspondent doctor. This referring doctor must indicate the first and last names of your GP on the medical form. He will inform your GP of your state of health and - with your agreement - send him the results of any additional examinations, operation reports, etc. He or she will also be able to fill in your Dossier Médical Partagé (DMP) if you have opened one. You will be reimbursed normally, at the usual rates in force, i.e. 70% of the basic rate minus €2 for the fixed contribution.
If you consult another doctor without being referred by your “médecin traitant”, you are outside the coordinated care pathway unless you consult specialists with direct access. Apart from these exceptions, you will also be less well reimbursed by the Assurance Maladie if you consult a specialist without going through your GP.
For certain types of treatment, you can consult the following specialists directly without going through your GP:
- Ophthalmologist (prescription of glasses or contact lenses, glaucoma screening and monitoring)
- Gynecologist (women's health, pregnancy, contraception, medicated abortion)
- Stomatologist (oral and dental procedures; excluding major surgical procedures)
- Psychiatrist or neuropsychiatrist if you are aged between 16 and 25.
You can also consult a dental surgeon directly. The coordinated care pathway does not apply to them.
The Vitale card
The Vitale card records your entitlements electronically and simplifies the procedures for reimbursing healthcare costs. The health professional you present it to can send a tele-transmission to your complementary health insurance. What you pay is reimbursed five days later. The Vitale card can waive the need to pay in advance for consultations or medicines, known as tier payant (third-party payment).
Updating the card
You should update your Vitale card regularly (if you become a student, start work, move house, etc.). To do this, update terminals are installed in all health insurance funds, pharmacies and certain health establishments.
- Everything you need to know about the coordinated healthcare pathway
Need psychological help?
Feeling blue? Problems with sleep or stress? Dark thoughts, suicidal thoughts? Here are the useful contacts and information you need to get psychological help during your studies.
How do I make an appointment with a psychologist or psychiatrist?
SIMPPS is responsible for student health in Toulouse (Administrative Contact : 05 61 63 37 25). Professionals will welcome you, listen to you, and, if necessary, refer you to appropriate support. Consultations are offered directly in some establishments.
SIMPPS is also the place to start for psychological support via the ‘Santé Psy Étudiant’ scheme giving all students wishing access to up to 12 free consultations with a psychologist, with no advanced payment. Consultations are renewable every year.
- More information about this scheme
If you are an international student, 3 clinical psychologists collaborate with TSE to provide mental health consultations. View details on Moodle to check eligibility.
Just need to talk and/or listen
Fil santé jeunes
Answer your questions every day, from 9am to 11pm. 0 800 235 236, a free, anonymous number. You can also contact fil santé by chat. www.filsantejeunes.com
Nightline is a confidential, free, non-judgmental listening, support and information service run by student volunteers. www.nightline.fr/en/services-decoute