Michael Gurven, Astrid Hopfensitz, Hillard Kaplan et Jonathan Stieglitz, « Why household inefficiency? An experimental approach to assess spousal resource distribution preferences in a subsistence population undergoing socioeconomic change », Evolution and Human Behavior, vol. 38, n° 1, janvier 2017, p. 71–81.
Bret A. Beheim, Aaron D. Blackwell, Michael Gurven, Paul L. Hooper, Hillard Kaplan, M. Martin, Jonathan Stieglitz, M. Tamayo et Benjamin C. Trumble, « Helminth infection, fecundity, and age of first pregnancy in women », Science, vol. 350, n° 6263, 20 novembre 2015, p. 970–972.
Bret A. Beheim, Michael Gurven, Hillard Kaplan, Felicia C. Madimenos, Jonathan Stieglitz et Benjamin C. Trumble, « Low Mineral Density of a Weight-Bearing Bone Among Adult Women in a High Fertility Population », American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 156, n° 4, avril 2015, p. 637–648.
Edhitt Cortez Linares, Daniel Eid Rodriguez, Michael Gurven, Hillard Kaplan, Jonathan Stieglitz et Benjamin C. Trumble, « Challenging the Inevitability of Prostate Enlargement: Low Levels of Benign Prostatic: Hyperplasia among Tsimane forager-horticulturalists », Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 2015.