Laurent Miclo, “On the Helmholtz decomposition for finite Markov processes”, Séminaire de Probabilités, 2025, forthcoming.
Marc Arnaudon, Koléhè Coulibaly-Pasquier, and Laurent Miclo, “On Markov intertwining relations and primal conditioning”, Journal of Theoretical Probability, vol. 37, September 2024.
Jérôme Bolte, Laurent Miclo, and Stéphane Villeneuve, “Swarm gradient dynamics for global optimization: the mean-field limit case”, Mathematical Programming, vol. 205, May 2024, p. 661–701.
Marc Arnaudon, Koléhè Coulibaly-Pasquier, and Laurent Miclo, “On the separation cut-off phenomenon for Brownian motions on high dimensional spheres”, Bernoulli, vol. 30, n. 2, May 2024, pp. 1007–1028.
Marc Arnaudon, Laurent Miclo, and Koléhè Coulibaly-Pasquier, “Couplings of Brownian motions with set-valued dual processes on Riemannian manifolds”, Journal de l'École polytechnique — Mathématiques, vol. 11, February 2024, pp. 473–522.
Marc Arnaudon, Koléhè Coulibaly-Pasquier, and Laurent Miclo, “The stochastic renormalized mean curvature flow for planar convex sets”, Electronic Journal of Probability, vol. 24, n. 183, 2024, pp. 1–43.
Laurent Miclo, “On the complex eigenvalues of finite Markov generators”, Electronic Communications in Probability, vol. 29, n. 76, 2024, pp. 1–12.
Aris Daniilidis, Laurent Miclo, and David Salas, “Descent modulus and applications”, Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 287, n. 11, 2024, 54 pages.
Laurent Miclo, “Strong stationary times for finite Heisenberg walks”, ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, vol. 27, April 2023, pp. 515 – 557.
Laurent Miclo, “On metastability”, Probability Theory and Related Fields, vol. 184, October 2022, p. 275–322.
Laurent Miclo, Daniel Spiro, and Jörgen W. Weibull, “Optimal epidemic suppression under an ICU constraint”, Journal of Mathematical Economics, vol. 101, n. 102669, August 2022.
Laurent Miclo, Pierre Patie, and Rohan Sarkar, “Discrete self-similar and ergodic Markov chains”, The Annals of Probability, vol. 50, n. 6, 2022, pp. 2085–2132.
Laurent Miclo, and Pierre Patie, “On intertwining relations between Ehrenfest, Yule and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes”, Séminaire de Probabilités, vol. 2301, January 2022, pp. 117–141, Springer.
Eyal Castiel, Sem Borst, Laurent Miclo, Florian Simatos, and Phil Whiting, “Induced idleness leads to deterministicheavy traffic limits for queue-basedrandom-access algorithms”, Annals of Applied Probability, vol. 31, n. 2, April 2021, pp. 941–971.
Laurent Miclo, and Pierre Patie, “On interweaving relations”, Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 280, n. 3, February 2021, 54 pages.
Koléhè Coulibaly-Pasquier, and Laurent Miclo, “On the evolution by duality of domains on manifolds”, Les Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France, n. 171, 2021, 110 pages.
Laurent Miclo, and Stéphane Villeneuve, “On the forward algorithm for stopping problems on continuous-time Markov chains”, Journal of Applied Probability, vol. 58, n. 4, 2021, pp. 1043–1063.
Laurent Miclo, and Chi Zhang, “On A Family of Isospectral Pure-Birth Processes”, Alea - Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, vol. 18, 2021, p. 1759–1771.
Laurent Miclo, and Vivek Borkar, “On the fastest finite Markov processes”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 481, n. 2, January 2020, p. 123488.
Asma Hassannezhad, and Laurent Miclo, “Higher order Cheeger inequalities for Steklov eigenvalues”, Annales scientifiques de l’École normale supérieure, vol. 53, n. 1, 2020, pp. 43–88.