Augustin Landier

TSE Research Faculty

UT1 Capitole

Sabbatical Leave: HEC Paris

Current position

2016Sabbatical Leave: HEC Paris
September 2011Member of the French Economic Council of Sustainable Development
2010Fellow of the Conseil d'Analyse Economique
2010Professor of Economics, University Toulouse 1 Capitole


2002PhD in economics (MIT)
1998Master degree in economics (DELTA EHESS)
1996Master degree Philosophy of sciences (Paris I)
1995Agregation of mathematics (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)
1994Master of mathematics (Paris VI)

Grants and awards

2013Spaengler IQAM Prize 2013
20122012 Europlace Finance Prize for "The best young researcher"
2012ERC Starting Grant: project SOLSYS (Grant n° 312503)
September 2011Junior fellow of the French University Institute (IUF)
June 2011European Financial Management Association Award (EFMA)
April 2011Turgot Prize for his book "La Société Translucide" written with David Thesmar (HEC)
March 2011ILB and EIF Award for the paper "Financial Risk Management: When does Independence Fail" written with David Sraer and David Thesmar
20112011 Larry Lang Prize in Corporate Finance for "the WACC Fallacy"
20112011 Europlace Prize for "the WACC Fallacy"