Jean Tirole, “Normes et Propriété Intellectuelle: la vue d'un économiste”, Lettre de l'Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes, n. 51, juillet-août 2006, pp. 14–16.
Jean Tirole, “Intellectual Property and Health in Developing Countries”, in Understanding Poverty, Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee, Roland Bénabou, and Dilip Mookherjee (eds.), chapter 20, May 2006, pp. 303–319.
Roland Bénabou, and Jean Tirole, “Belief in a Just World and Redistributive Politics”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 121, n. 2, May 2006, pp. 699–746.
Jean-Charles Rochet, and Jean Tirole, “Externalities and Regulation in Card Payment Systems”, The Review of Network Economics, vol. 5, n. 1, March 2006, pp. 1–14.
Roland Bénabou, and Jean Tirole, “Incentives and Prosocial Behavior”, American Economic Review, vol. 96, n. 5, 2006, pp. 1652–1678.
Jean-Charles Rochet, and Jean Tirole, “Two-Sided Markets: A Progress Report”, The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 35, n. 3, 2006, pp. 645–667.
Jean Tirole, “The Dynamics of Open Source Contributors”, American Economic Review, vol. 96, n. 2, 2006, pp. 114–118.
Josh Lerner, and Jean Tirole, “A Model of Forum Shopping”, American Economic Review, vol. 96, 2006, pp. 1091–1113.
Paul L. Joskow, and Jean Tirole, “Retail Electricity Competition”, The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 37, n. 4, 2006, pp. 799–815.
Jean Tirole, The Theory of Corporate Finance, Princeton University Press, January 2006.
Mathias Dewatripont, and Jean Tirole, “Modes of Communication”, Journal of Political Economy, vol. 113, n. 6, December 2005, pp. 1217–1238.
Marco Battaglini, Roland Bénabou, and Jean Tirole, “Self-Control in Peer Groups”, Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 123, n. 2, August 2005, pp. 105–134.
Paul L. Joskow, and Jean Tirole, “Merchant Transmission Investment”, The Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 53, n. 2, June 2005, pp. 233–264.
Josh Lerner, and Jean Tirole, “The Scope of Open Source Licensing”, The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, vol. 21, April 2005, pp. 20–56.
Emmanuel Farhi, Josh Lerner, and Jean Tirole, “Certifying New Technologies”, Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 3, n. 2-3, avril-mai 2005, pp. 734–744.
Josh Lerner, and Jean Tirole, “The Economics of Technology Sharing: Open Source and Beyond”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 19, n. 2, Spring, 2005, pp. 99–120.
Jean Tirole, “The Analysis of Tying Cases: A Primer”, Competition Policy International, vol. 1, n. 1, Spring 2005.
Eric Maskin, and Jean Tirole, “The Politician and The Judge: Accountability in Government”, American Economic Review, vol. 94, n. 4, September 2004, pp. 1034–1054.
Roland Bénabou, and Jean Tirole, “Willpower and Personal Rules”, Journal of Political Economy, vol. 112, n. 4, August 2004, pp. 848–886.
Josh Lerner, and Jean Tirole, “Efficient Patent Pools”, American Economic Review, vol. 94, n. 3, June 2004, pp. 691–711.
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