Patrick Rey, “Collective Dominance and the Telecommunications Industry”, in The Economics of Antitrust and Regulation in Telecommunications, Pierre Buigues, and Patrick Rey (eds.), Edgard Elgar Publishing, chapter 6, 2004.
W. Comanor, and Patrick Rey, “Vertical Mergers and Market Foreclosure”, Research in Law and Economics, n. 21, 2004, pp. 445–458.
Patrick Rey, and Thibaud Vergé, “Bilateral Control with Vertical Contracts”, The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 35, n. 4, Winter 2004, pp. 728–746.
Patrick Rey, “Towards a Theory of Competition Policy”, in Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications - Eight World Congress, Mathias Dewatripont, Lars Peter Hansen, and Stephen J. Turnovsky (eds.), Cambridge University Press, series “Econometric Society Monographs”, vol. II, April 2003, pp. 82–132.
Patrick Rey, “The Economics of Vertical Restraints”, in Economics for an Imperfect World: Essays in Honor of Joseph E. Stiglitz, Richard Arnott, Bruce Greenwald, Ravi Kanbur, and Barry Nalebuff (eds.), Cambridge: MIT Press, chapter 14, 2003, pp. 247–268.
Jean-Jacques Laffont, Scott Marcus, Patrick Rey, and Jean Tirole, “Internet Interconnection and the Off-Net-Cost Pricing Principle”, The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 34, n. 2, 2003, pp. 370–390.
Olivier Compte, François Jenny, and Patrick Rey, “Capacity Constraints, Mergers and Collusion”, European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 46, n. 1, January 2002, pp. 1–29.
Philippe Aghion, Mathias Dewatripont, and Patrick Rey, “On partial Contracting”, European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 46, n. 4, 2002, revised January 2002, pp. 745–753.
Philippe Aghion, Mathias Dewatripont, and Patrick Rey, “On Partial Contracting”, European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 46, n. 4-5, 2002, pp. 745–753.
Jean-Jacques Laffont, Scott Marcus, Patrick Rey, and Jean Tirole, “Internet Peering”, American Economic Review, vol. 91, n. 2, May 2001, pp. 287–291.
Patrick Rey, “Retailer Buying Power and Competition Policy”, in Annual Proceedings of the Fordham Corporate Law Institute - International Antitrust Law & Policy, Barry E. Hawk (ed.), Juris Publishing, 2001, pp. 487–511.
Jacques Crémer, Patrick Rey, and Jean Tirole, “Connectivity in the Commercial Internet”, The Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 48, n. 4, December 2000, pp. 433–472.
W. Comanor, and Patrick Rey, “Vertical Restraints and the Market Power of Large Distributors”, Review of Industrial Organization, vol. 17, n. 2, 2000, pp. 135–153.
Philippe Aghion, Mathias Dewatripont, and Patrick Rey, “Competition, Financial Discipline and Growth”, The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 64, n. 4, 1999, pp. 825–852.
Jean-Jacques Laffont, Patrick Rey, and Jean Tirole, “Network Competition: II. Price Discrimination”, The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 29, n. 1, Spring 1998, pp. 38–56.
Jean-Jacques Laffont, Patrick Rey, and Jean Tirole, “Network Competition: I. Overview and Nondiscriminatory Pricing”, The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 29, n. 1, Spring 1998, pp. 1–37.
Nicolas Curien, Bruno Jullien, and Patrick Rey, “Pricing Regulation under Bypass Competition”, The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 29, n. 2, 1998, pp. 259–279.
Jean-Jacques Laffont, Patrick Rey, and Jean Tirole, “Competition Between Telecommunications Operators”, European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 41, n. 3-5, 1997, pp. 701–711.
Patrick Rey, and Jean Tirole, “Analyse Économique de la Notion de Prix de Prédation”, Revue Française d'Économie, vol. 12, 1997, pp. 3–32.
Philippe Aghion, Mathias Dewatripont, and Patrick Rey, “Corporate Governance, Competition Policy and Industrial Policy”, European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 41, n. 3-5, 1997, pp. 797–805.
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