Patrick Rey

Patrick Rey

TSE Research Faculty

Professor of Economics, TSE

Bernard Caillaud, and Patrick Rey, Strategic Aspects of Delegation, European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 39, 1995, pp. 421–431.

Philippe Aghion, Mathias Dewatripont, and Patrick Rey, On Renegotiation Design, European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 34, n. 2/3, 1989, pp. 322–329.

Patrick Rey, and Jean Tirole, The Logic of Vertical Restraints, American Economic Review, vol. 76, n. 5, December 1986, pp. 921–939.

Patrick Rey, and Jean Tirole, Contraintes Verticales : l'Approche Principal-Agent, Annales d'Économie et de Statistique, Paris: Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques, n. 1, janvier-mars 1986, pp. 175–201.


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Florence Chauvet

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