Matthieu Bouvard
Professor of Finance (TSE-TSM), TSE
TSE Research Faculty
Marcel Boyer
Professor Emeritus, Dpt Economics, CIRANO, Montréal
TSE Associate Faculty
Marie-Françoise Calmette
Professor Emeritus, TSE
TSE Research Faculty
Catherine Casamatta
Professor of Finance (TSE-TSM), TSE
TSE Research Faculty
Frédéric Cherbonnier
Professor, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Toulouse
TSE Research Faculty
Patrick Coen
Assistant Professor of Economics, TSE, On leave
TSE Research Faculty
Fabrice Collard
Director of the Doctoral School, Senior Researcher, CNRS
TSE Research Faculty
Claude Crampes
Professor Emeritus of Economics, TSE
TSE Research Faculty
Helmuth Cremer
Professor of Economics, TSE
TSE Research Faculty
Abdelaati Daouia
Assistant Professor, TSE
TSE Research Faculty