Le service carrières est heureux de recevoir Matthieu Lapeyre, économiste pour la concurrence, Senior Manager Economic Advisory chez Deloitte, le jeudi 13 mars 2025 qui viendra animer le prochain Business Talk à 17h00.
Titre de la conférence : From macroeconomics to financial asset allocation Case Study: What could have been the potential impacts of the French private TV channels' merger and market developments since its abandonment
Ces conférences visent à développer la culture économique des étudiants et à approfondir les études de cas.
Evénement dédié aux étudiants L3-M1-M2 et doctorants.
Résumé (en anglais) :
Come and join us for an engaging session as we delve into the case study of the highly debated merger between TF1 and M6, two giants of the French television landscape. Discover the strategic motivations behind this ambitious project and the reasons that led to its eventual abandonment at the end of 2022.
But the story doesn't end there. We'll provide an in-depth overview of the advertising market's evolution since the merger fell through. How have broadcasters and advertisers adapted? What new trends and challenges have emerged? Whether you are curious about media strategies, market disruptions, or the future of television advertising, this conference promises to provide valuable insights and foster lively discussions.
We look forward to your participation in this insightful examination of past events and current market dynamics.
Contact : careers@tse-fr.eu