Business Talk 7 novembre avec Mathias Laffont (UFE)

7 Novembre 2024 Evénements

Le service carrières est heureux d'accueillir le jeudi 7 novembre 2024 à 17H00, dans les locaux de TSE Mathias Laffont, Délégué général adjoint chez Union Française de l'Electricité (UFE) qui nous fera l'honneur de venir présenter une conférence aux étudiants de TSE "An Economist's Role in Lobbying: Addressing the Issue of Negative Prices"

Ces conférences - Business Talk ont pour objectif de développer la connaissance économique des étudiants et de les aider dans la construction de leur projet professionnel.

(Evénement réservés aux étudiants de TSE)


Résumé (en anglais):

After two more “traditional” roles for an economist at regulatory authorities (the French Competition Authority and the French Transport Regulator), I joined one of the major trade associations (a polite way to describe a lobby) in the electricity sector, returning to a field characterized by constant, dynamic change. Working as a lobbyist is not an obvious path for students pursuing an M2 or PhD in economics, especially in a sector often led by engineers (frequently from prestigious French “Grandes Ecoles”) or public affairs experts. However, the analytical methods taught at TSE offer alternative approaches to tackling political challenges. To illustrate this, I will discuss a growing and somewhat counterintuitive issue we face: the challenge of negative prices.

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