
Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change

8–9 septembre 2015

Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France

Événement précédent

TIGER Forum 2014: Ninth Conference on Energy Industry at a Crossroads: Preparing the Low Carbon Future, Toulouse, France, 5–6 juin 2014.

Pour plus d'information sur cette conférence, merci de visiter le site partenaire  IDEI

Liste des communications

Jean-Pierre Amigues (Toulouse School of Economics), « From Primary Resources to Useful Energy: The Pollution Ceiling Efficiency Paradox », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Hassan Benchekroun (McGill University), « Anticipated International Environmental Agreements », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Corinne Chaton (Laboratoire de Finance des Marchés de l'Energie), « Assessing the Implementation of the Market Stability Reserve », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Peter Cramton (University of Maryland and European University Institute), « Pay-for-Performance: The Essential Ingredient in Capacity Market », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Julien Daubanes (ETH Zürich), « Limit Pricing and the (In)Effectiveness of the Carbon Tax », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Tunc Durmaz (Norwegian School of Economics), « Precautionary Energy Storage », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Damien Dussaux (CERNA Mines ParisTech), « International Outsourcing and Innovation in Clean Technologies », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Carolyn Fischer (Gothenburg University, FEEM and CESifo Research Network), « Strategic Subsidies for Green Goods », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet (CIRED, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech), « Double Moral Hazard and the Energy Efficiency Gap », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Matthieu Glachant (MINES ParisTech), « Adaptation of American Homes to Climate Change », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Bettina Hirl (Università della Svizzera italiana), « Rational Habits in Residential Electricity Demand », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Par Holmberg (Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Stockholm), « Pro-Competitive Rationing in Multi-Unit Auctions », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Jūratė Juraité (School of Business and Economics, Umeå University), « Carbon Pricing: Transaction Costs of Emissions Trading vs. Carbon Taxes », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Amin Karimu (Umeå School of Business and Economics Umeå University), « Energy Efficient R&D Investment and Aggregate Energy Demand: Evidence from OECD Countries », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, septembre 2015.

Philipp Krüger (University of Geneva and Swiss Finance Institute), « Climate Change and Firm Valuation: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Thomas-Olivier Léautier (Toulouse School of Economics), « Smart Market Designs for Smart Consumers », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Justin Leroux (HEC Montréal, CIRANO & CRE), « Track-and-Trade: A Liability Approach to Climate Policy », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Matti Liski (Economics department of the Aalto University), « Gone with the Wind? An Empirical Analysis of the Renewable Energy Rent Transfer », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Marco Maffezzoli (Universita Commerciale L. Bocconi and IGIER), « Taxing Carbon under Market Incompleteness », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Linda Nøstbakken (Norwegian School of Economics), « From Fossil Fuels to Renewables: The Role of Electricity Storage », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Serge Planton (Météo France), « Climate Change: The Physical Science Basis », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Charles Raux (Laboratory of Transport Economics, CNRS, University of Lyon), « Mobility Choices and Climate Change: Assessing the Effects of Social Norms and Economic Incentives through Discrete Choice Experiments », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Robert Ritz (Judge Business School & University of Cambridge), « Strategic Investment and International Spillovers in Natural Gas Markets », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Alessia Russo (University of Oslo), « Compliance Technology and Self-Enforcing Agreements », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Katheline Schubert (Paris School of Economics, University Paris 1), « Should We extract more Shale Gas? The Effect of Climate and Financial Constraints », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Jean Tirole (Toulouse School of Economics), « Negotiating a Climate Agreement », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Yacov Tsur (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), « Policy Tradeoffs under Risk of Abrupt Climate Change », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.

Nikolas Wölfing (ZEW Mannheim & ETH Zurich), « Forward Trading and Collusion in Supply Functions », Tenth Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate Change, Mercure Atria Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse, France, 8–9 septembre 2015.