10–11 janvier 2019
Salle MS001-MS002-MS003
L' objectif de la conférence, organisée par le TSE Digital Center, avec l'aide du CEPR, sur l'économie numérique à la Toulouse School of Economics, est de discuter des contributions récentes à la compréhension de l'économie numérique et de ses conséquences pour les sociétés modernes. Gardant l'esprit des années précédentes, la conférence présentera théoriquement, contributions économétriques, expérimentales et axées sur les politiques. Nous acceptons les soumissions d'universitaires travaillant en droit, en science politique, en psychologie et en sociologie ainsi qu'en économie.
Video de la table ronde (ENG)
"From Pipeline to Platform: How do firms adapt to the digital Revolution"
Liste des communications
Luis AGUIAR (EU Commission) and Joel WALDFOGEL (University of Minnesota) Platforms, Promotion, and Product Discovery: Evidence from Spotify Playlists
Simon ANDERSON (University of Virginia), Alicia BAIK (University of Virginia), and Nathan LARSON (American University), Price Discrimination in the Information Age: List Prices, Poaching, and Retention with Personalized Discounts
Francis BLOCH (Paris School of Economics) and Gabrielle DEMANGE (Paris School of Economics), Profit-sharing rules and taxation of multinational two-sided platforms.
Francesco DECAROLIS (Bocconi University) and Gabriele ROVIGATTI (Bank of Italy), From Mad Men to Maths Men: Concentration and Buyer Power in Online Advertising
Neil GANDAL (Tel Aviv University), JT HAMRICK (The University of Tulsa), Farhang ROUHI (University of New Mexico), Arghya MUKHERJEE (The University of Tulsa), Amir FEDER (Tel Aviv University), Tyler MOORE (The University of Tulsa), and Marie VASEK (University of New Mexico), The Economics of Cryptocurrency Pump and Dump Schemes
Axel GAUTIER (University Liege) and Robert SOMOGYI (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Prioritization vs zero-rating: Discrimination on the internet
Emeric HENRY (Sciencs Po), Oscar BARRERA (Paris School of Economics), Sergei GURIEV (Sciences Po), and Ekaterina ZHURAVSKAYA (Paris School of Economics), Facts, Alternative Facts, and Fact Checking in Times of Post-Truth Politics
Jin-Hyuk KIM (University of Colorado), Peter NEWBERRY (Pennsylvania State University) and Calvin QIU (Berkeley Research Group), The Role of Information Signals in Determining Crowdfunding Outcomes
Maryam SAEEDI (Carnegie Mellon University), Xiang HUI (Washington University) and Neel SUNDARESAN (Microsoft Corp), Adverse Selection or Moral Hazard, An Empirical Study
Andrey SIMONOV (Columbia University) and Shawndra HILL (Microsoft Research), Competitive Advertising on Brand Search: Traffic Stealing, Adverse Selection, and Customer Confusion