Publications: Thèmes transversaux


Bonnefon J.F., "The moral preferences of investors: Experimental evidence", vol 163, janvier 2025


Crifo P., (2024), "Les chaires de finance verte et durable: un outil pour transformer la recherche et l'enseignement?" de la série Réalités industrielles des Annales et des Mines intitulé "La finance durable", août 2024


Bègue, L. and N. Treich, (2019), "Immediate and 15-week correlates of individual commitment to a “green monday” national campaign fostering weekly substitution of meat and fish by other nutrients", Nutrients 11, 1894.

Carlier, A. and N. Treich, (2019), "Directly valuing animal welfare in (environmental) economics", International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, forthcoming.

Casamatta C. and S. Pouget, (2019), "Fund managers’ Contracts and Financial Markets’ Short-termism", Working Paper.

Challe, E., J.I. Lopez and E. Mengus, (2019), "Institutional quality and capital inflows: theory and evidence", Journal of International Money and Finance 96.

Gollier, C., (2019), "Variance stochastic orders", Journal of Mathematical Economics 80, pp 1-8.

Gollier, C., (2019), "Aversion to risk of regret and preference for positively skewed risks", Economic Theory, forthcoming.

Gurnsey, S., S. Masconale, S. Sepe, and C. Whitehead, (2019), "Banking on the Lawyers", Working Paper.

Hilton, D., N. Treich, G. Lazzara and P. Tendil, (2019), "Designing effective nudges that satisfy ethical constraints: The case of environmentally responsible behavior", Mind & Society.

Treich, N., (2019), "Veganomics : Vers une approche économique du véganisme?", Revue française d’économie.


Challe E., J.I. Lopez and E. Mengus, (2018), "Institutional Quality and Capital Inflows: Theory and Evidence", Working Paper.


Gollier C., (2015), "Discounting, Inequalities and Economic Convergence", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 69, pp. 53-61


Challe, E. and C. Giannitsarouz, (2014), "Stock prices and monetary policy shocks: a general equilibrium approach", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 40, pp. 46-66.


Ambec, S., M. A. Cohen, S. Elgie, and P. Lanoie, (2013), "The Porter Hypothesis at 20: Can Environmental Regulation Enhance Innovation and Competitiveness?", Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 7(1).

Ambec, S. and J. Coria, (2013), "Price vs quantities with multiple pollutants", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 66(1), pp. 123-140.

Bazoche, P., Bunte, F., Combris, P, Giraud-Héraud, E., Seabra Pinto, A., and E. Tsakiridou, (2013), "Willingness to pay for pesticides‘ reduction in E.U.: nothing but organic", European Review of Agricultural Economics, 14(1), pp. 87-109.

Challe, E., Mojon, B. and X. Ragot, (2013), "Equilibrium risk-shifting and interest rate in an opaque financial system", European Economic Review, 63, pp. 117-133.

Chambolle C. and S. Poret, (2013), "When fairtrade contracts for some are profitable for others", European Review of Agricultural Economics, 40(5), pp. 1-37.

Crifo, P. and N. Mottis, (2013), "L’investissement socialement responsable à la recherche de nouveaux élans?", Revue Française de Gestion, 236, pp. 69-77.

Crifo, P. and N. Mottis, (2013), "Socially Responsible Investment in France", Business & Society.

Crifo, P. and S. Cavaco (2013), "The CSR-Firm Performance Missing Link: Complementarity Between Environmental, Social and Business Behavior Criteria?", Cahier de recherche département d’économie 2013-07, Ecole Polytechnique.

Godard, O., (2013), "Le développement durable, norme sociale molle ou nouveau principe de justification?", in F.-D. Vivien, P. Marty, et J. Lepart (dir.), L'évaluation de la durabilité, Paris, Ed. QUAE, pp. 45-68

Heimann M. and S. Pouget, (2013), "La recommandation des fonds ISR,Une étude empirique sur les conseillers clients bancaires français", Revue française de gestion, n°236, pp. 149-162.

Moinas, S. and S. Pouget (2013), "The Bubble Game: An Experimental Analysis of Speculation", Econometrica, 81(4), pp. 1507-1539.

Porret S., Ponssard J.P. and S. Hobeika, (2013), "Le rôle stratégique d'un label dans la formation d'un marché. Le cas de l'ISR en France", Working Paper, January.


Adler M., J. K. Hammitt, and N. Treich, (2012), "The social value of mortality risk reduction: VSL vs. the social welfare function approach", Working Paper.

Ambec, S. and P. Lanoie, (2012), "The Strategic Importance of Environmental Sustainability", in Managing Human Resources for Environmental Sustainability, Ed. Susan E. Jackson, Deniz S. Ones and Stephan Dilchert, John Wiley & Sons.

Barde, J.-Ph. and O. Godard, (2012), "Chapter 1. Economic Principles of Environmental Fiscal Reform", in J.E. Milne & M. Skou Andersen (eds), Handbook on Research on Environmental Taxation. Cheltenham (UK) and Northampton (MA, US), Edward Elgar Publishing.

Cahuc, P. and Challe, E., (2012), "Produce or speculate: Asset bubbles, occupational choice and efficiency", International Economic Review, 53(4), pp. 1105-1131.

Carlier, G., Dana, R.-A. and A. Galichon, (2012), "Pareto efficiency for the concave order and multivariate comonotonicity", Journal of Economic Theory, 147(1), pp. 207-229.

Crifo, P. and V. Forget, (2012), "Think global invest responsible : why the private equity industry goes green", Journal of Business Ethics.

Crifo, P. and V. Forget (2012), "The Economics of Corporate Responsibility: A Survey", Working Paper Ecole Polytechnique n°2012-21.

Crifo P., Forget V. and S. Teyssier, (2012), "The price of unsustainability: An experiment with professional private equity investors", Working Paper Ecole Polytechnique n°2012-35.

Crifo, P., (2012), "L'économie verte : nouveau modèle de croissance ou bulle verte?", Cahier du Cercle des Economistes "La croissance verte: une solution d'avenir".

Crifo, P. , M. Glachant, S. Hallegate, E. Laurent and G. Raphaël, (2012), "L'économie verte contre la crise - 30 propositions pour une France plus soutenable", Presses Universitaires de France.

Crifo, P., (2012), "Environnement et compétitivité des entreprises: contrainte ou opportunité?", Synthèse CEDD.

Crifo, P. (2012), "Comment verdir la croissance?, in Repenser l'économie avec les Lauréats du Prix du Meilleur Jeune Economiste, Ed. La Découverte.

Crifo, P. (2012), "L'économie et la croissance vertes. Panorama annuel des cleantech en France", GreenUnivers, forthcoming.

Desquilbet M. and S. Poret, (2012), "Labelling and coexistence regulation of GMOs and non-GMOs: an economic perspective", in Coexistence and traceability of GM and non-GM supply chains, Yves Bertheau (eds).

Desquilbet M. and S. Poret, (2012), "How do GM / non GM coexistence regulations affect markets and welfare?", Working Paper.

Féres J. and A. Reynaud (2012), "Assessing the impacts of Formal and Informal Regulations on Environmental and Economic Performance of Brazilian Manufacturing Firms", Environmental & Ressouce Economics, 52(1), pp.65-85.

Forget, V. (2012), "Doing Good and Doing Well: A Multidimensional Puzzle", Working paper Ecole Polytechnique n° 2012-04.

Galichon, A. and Henry, M. (2012), "Dual theory of choice with multivariate risks", Journal of Economic Theory, 147(4), pp. 1501-1516.

Giraud-Héraud, E., Grazia, and A. Hammoudi, (2012), "Explaining the emergence of private standards in food supply chains", Working paper Ecole Polytechnique n° 2012-30.

Giraud-Héraud, E., Hammoudi, A., Hoffmann, R. and L-G. Soler, (2012), "Joint Private Safety Standards and Vertical Relationships in Food Retailing", Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 21(1), pp. 179-212, Spring 2012.

Giraud-Héraud, E., Aguiar Fontes, M. and A. Seabra Pinto, (2012), "Consumer behaviour towards food safety: Boycott or Willingness to Pay reduction?", in Food safety, market organization, trade, and development, Eds. Grazia, Hammoudi, and Surry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Giraud-Héraud, E., Ponssard, JP. and B. Sinclair Desgagné, (2012), "Sustainable development and innovation: Analysis of public regulations in the food sector through the Porter hypothesis", Working Paper.

Godard, O., (2012), "Les transmutations de la preuve sous l’égide du principe de précaution", in E. Truilhé-Marengo (dir.), Preuve scientifique, preuve juridique : la preuve à l’épreuve ? Bruxelles, Ed. Larcier, 30, pp. 259-298

Meunier, G. and J.-P. Ponssard (2012), "A Sectoral Approach Balancing Global Efficiency and Equity", Environmental and Resource Economics, 53(4), pp. 533–552.

Murphy M., Perrot F. and M. Rivera-Santos, (2012), "New Perspectives on Learning and Innovation in Cross-Sector Collaborations", Journal of Business Research, 65(12), pp. 1700-1709.

Teyssier, S. and F. Etilé, (2012), "Corporate Social Responsability and the Economics of Consumer Social Responsability", Working Paper.


Arjalies, Goubet and JP Ponssard, (2011), "Approches stratégiques des émissions CO2, Les cas de l'industrie cimentière et de l'industrie chimique", Revue française de gestion, 2011/6, n°215, pp. 123-146.

Caparros, A., E. Giraud-Héraud, H. Hammoudi, and T. Tazdaït, (2011), "Coalition Formation with Heterogeneous Agents: the cartel stability concept revisited", Economics Bulletin, 31(1).

Challe, E. and X. Ragot, (2011), "Bubbles and self-fulfilling crises", B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 11(1) (Topics).

Crifo, P., (2011), "Le rôle des inégalités dans la crise", Public Economics, 26-27 (2011/1-2), pp. 51-67.

Crifo, P., M. Flam and M. Glachant, (2011), "L’industrie française face à l’économie verte: L’exemple de sept filières", Rapport pour le Cercle de l’industrie. Juillet.

Crifo, P. and N. Mottis, (2011), "L’investissement Socialement Responsable en France: Opportunité de « Niche » ou Placement « Mainstream »?", Gérer et Comprendre, 104, pp. 14-25.

Cropper M.L, J.K.Hammitt and L.A Robinson, (2011), "Valuing Mortality-Risk Reducations: Progress and Challenges", Annual Review of Ressource Economics, 3, pp. 313-336.

Dia M. and S. Pouget, (2011), "Sunshine Trading in an African Stock Market", Managerial Finance, 37(3), pp. 257-274.

Galichon, A. and P. Tibi, (2011), "Est-il vraiment important que les marches soient efficaces", Revue Banque, April.

Giraud-Héraud, E., (2011), "Do Consumers and Citizens Really Have an Aversion for GMOs?", in Chair’s update, Ecole Polytechnique, n°4, pp. 1-2.

Godard, O., (2011), "Négociations sur le climat : la bifurcation opérée à Copenhague en 2009", Critique internationale, 52, July-Sept, 35, pp. 87-110.

Godard, O., (2011), "La contribution carbone entre expertise économique et jeu politique", Revue française de finances publiques, 114, pp. 137-148.

Godard, O., (2011), "Le principe de précaution à l’épreuve des OGM", in A. Marciano et B. Tourres (dir.), Regards critiques sur le principe de précaution : le cas des OGM. Paris, Vrin, Coll. ‘Pour demain’, pp. 85-161.

Godard, O., (2011), "Managing Global Risks Through ‘Proportionate’ Precaution: the interplay between States, civil society and international regulation", in E. Brousseau, T. Dedeurwaerdere and B. Siebenhüner (eds.), Reflexive Governance for Global Public Goods. MIT Press, Series “Politics, Science, and the Environment”, pp. 123-143.

Godard, O., (2011), "Le principe de précaution après la Charte de l'environnement: la proportionnalité, cette oubliée de la pratique", in D. Lecourt (dir.), Politique de santé et principe de précaution, Paris, PUF et Académie de médecine, pp. 91-147.

Godard, O., (2011), "Instruments économiques, justification et normes de justice: le cas de la politique climatique", in C. Halpern, P. Lascoumes et P. Le Galès (dir.), Les instruments d'action publique mis en discussion théorique, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, pp. 143-159.

Godard, O. and J.-P. Ponssard (dir.) (2011), "Economie du climat : des pistes pour l’après-Kyoto", Palaiseau, Ed. de l’Ecole polytechnique. contributions de O. Godard: Introduction, Chapitre 1: "Négociations internationales sur un régime de protection du climat", Chapitre 3: "La justice climatique internationale en question", Chapitre 5: "Intégrité environnementale des politiques climatiques et ajustement aux frontières: les enjeux pour l'union européenne".

Gollier C., (2011), "Discounting and risk adjusting non-marginal investment projects", European Review of Agricultural Economics, 38(3), August, pp. 325-334.

Gollier C., (2011), "Does ambiguity aversion reinforce risk aversion? Applications to portfolio choices and asset pricing", Review of Economics Studies, 78, pp. 1329-1344.

Gollier C., (2011) "On the underestimation of the precautionary effect in discounting", Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 36, pp. 95-111.

Gollier C. (2011), "Optimal Illusions and the Simplification of Beliefs", miméo.

Gollier C. and S. Pouget (2011), "The good, the bad, and the ugly: A theory of profitable and effective socially responsible investments", miméo IDEI.

Gollier C. and F. Cherbonnier, (2015), "Decreasing Aversion under Ambiguity", Journal of Economic Theory, 157, pp. 606-623

Gollier C. and N. Treich, (2011), "Option Value and Precaution", Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Economics, vol. 2, chap. 159, pp. 332–338.

Gollier C., (2011), "Actualisation et développement durable: En faisons-nous assez pour les générations futures?", Working Paper.

Hammitt J.K, (2011), "Discounting Health and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: a response to Nord", Health Economics, 21(7), pp. 878-82.

Hammitt J.K and L.A Robinson, (2011), "The Income Elasticity of the Value per Statistical Life: Transferring Estimates Between High and Low Income Populations", Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 2(1), pp. 1-27.

Heimann M, Pouget S, Mullet E. and JF Bonnefon, (2011), "The Experimental Approach to trust in socially Resposible Investments", W. Sun, C.Louche et R.Pérez (Eds.), Critical Studies on Corporate Responsability, Governance and Sustainability (2ème Edition, Vol 2, pp. 169-183), Emeral Group Publishing.

Heimann M, Pouget S, Mullet E. and JF Bonnefon (2011), "Similitary in Values and the Perceived Trustworthiness Funds", Working Paper.

Lanoie P., J. Laurent-Luchetti, N. Johnstone and S. Ambec (2011), "Environmental Policy, Innovation and Performance: New Insights on the Porter Hypothesis", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, pp. 803-841.

Laye, J.A., Giraud-Héraud, E. (2011), "Commitment to commercialization and quality choices in the Champagne wine producer-distributor relationship", Enometrica, 4(1), pp 9-32.

Tsai W-J, J-T Liu and J.K Hammitt, (2011), "Aggregation Biases in Estimates of the Value of a Statistical Life: Evidence from Longitudianl Matched Worker-Firm Data in Taïwan", Environmental and Resource Economics, 49(3), pp.405-443.


Bénabou R. and J. Tirole, (2010), "Individual and corporate social responsibility", Economica, 77, pp. 1-19.

Biais B., T. Mariotti, J.-C. Rochet and S. Villeneuve (2010), "Larg Risk, Limited Liability and Dynamic Moral Hazard", Econometrica, 78(1), pp. 73-118

Bonnefon J.-F., M. Heimann, E. Mullet and S. Pouget, "Doing the Right Good: Similarity in Values and the Preceived Trustworthiness Of Investment Funds".

Carlier, G., R-A Dana, and A. Galichon (2010), "Pareto efficiency for the concave order and multivariate comonotonicity", Journal of Economic Theory, 147(1), pp. 207-229.

Challe, E. and X. Ragot (2010), "Aggregate consumption in times of crisis: the role of financial frictions", CESifo Economic Studies, 56(4), pp. 627-648.

Chappellaz, J. O. Godard, S. Huet and H. Le Treut (2010), "Changement climatique : les savoirs et les possibles", Montreuil, Éditions La ville brûle, (Coll. 360), July, 240 p.

Combris, P., Seabra Pinto, A., Fragata, A. and E. Giraud-Heraud (2010), "Does taste beat food safety? evidence from the “Pera Rocha” case in Portugal", Journal of Food Products Marketing, 16(1), pp. 60-78.

Crifo, P. and J.-P. Ponssard (2010), "L’entreprise face à ses responsabilités sociale et environnementale", in M. Flam L'économie verte, Presses Universitaires de France, October.

Crifo, P., R. Crassous and M. Flam (2010), "L’économie verte et le rôle de l’industrie dans la croissance verte", Etude pour le Cercle de l’industrie, June.

Crifo, P. and O. Godard (2010), "Des politiques publiques au service de l’économie verte", Cahiers Français n°355, March.

Crifo, P. and H. Sami (2010), "Incentives for Accuracy in Analyst Research", Cahier de recherche département d’économie 2011-01.

Crifo, P. (2010), "Dossier d’actualité sur l’économie verte", La documentation Française, June.

D'Albis H. and S. Ambec, (2010), "Fair Intergenerational Sharing of a Natural Resource", Mathematical Social Sciences, 59(2), pp. 170-183.

Forget, V. (2010), "Corporate Social Responsibility in Private Equity Negotiations", in collaboration with Jim Engle Warnick (McGill, Canada).

Galichon, A. and I. Ekeland (2010), "Pareto indivisible allocations, revealed preferences and duality", soumis à publication.

Galichon, A. and P. Tibi (2010), "Marches efficients ou marches efficaces", La Jaune et la Rouge, July.

Giraud-Héraud, E., C. Grazia and A. Hammoudi (2010), "Agrifood safety standards, market power and consumer misperceptions", Journal of Food Products Marketing, 16(1), pp. 92-128.

Giraud-Héraud, E., C. Grazia and A. Hammoudi (2010), "Hétérogénéité internationale des normes de sécurité sanitaire, stratégie des importateurs et exclusion des producteurs dans les pays en développement", Aliss Working-Papers, 44 p.

Godard, O., (2010), "Cette ambiguë adaptation au changement climatique", Natures-Sciences- Sociétés, 18(3), pp. 287–297.

Godard, O., (2010), "The precautionary principle as a social norm", in J.-M. Lasry, D. Lautier et D. Fessler (eds), The Economics of Sustainable Development. Paris, Economica, pp. 98-117.

Godard, O., (2010), "Évaluation de projets et projets d’évaluation : composer avec la pluralité des justifications", in G. Faburel et O. Chanel (dir.), L’environnement dans la décision publique - Refonder l’évaluation socio-économique pour des politiques de transport plus durables. Paris, Economica, Coll. "Méthodes et Approches", pp. 172-183.

Godard, O., (2010), "Les pouvoirs publics face aux risques sanitaires environnementaux", in M. Gauthier-Clerc et F. Thomas (dir.), Écologie de la santé et biodiversité, Bruxelles, De Boeck, pp. 404-420.

Godard, O., (2010), "L’expertise des risques sous l’égide du principe de précaution", in E. Hirsch (dir.), Traité de bioéthique, Vol. 1 : Fondements, Principes, Repères, Toulouse, Ed. Erès, Coll. ‘Espace éthique’, novembre, pp. 490-505.

Godard, O., (2010), "La discipline économique face à la crise de l’environnement : solution ou partie du problème ?", in J.P. Touffut (dir.), Changement de climat, changement d’économie ? Paris, Albin-Michel, (Coll. présentée par R. Solow), pp. 19-65.

Godard, O., (2010), "Quid de la gestion des risques après la constitutionnalisation du principe de précaution?", Responsabilités et environnement, Annales des Mines "Faire face à l'incertitude", January, 57, pp. 38-44.

Godard, O., (2010), "Le principe de précaution, outil indispensable ou frein à l'innovation", Cahiers français, L'Economie verte, n°355, mars-avril, p. 48.

Godard, O., (2010), "L'organisation internationale de la lutte contre l'effet de serre - une revue critique des thèses du rapport de Jean Tirole", L'Economie Politique, n°46, avril, pp. 82-106.

Godard, O., (2010), "De l'imposture au sophisme, la science du climat vue par Claude Allègre, François Ewald et quelques autres", Revue Esprit, mai, pp. 26-43.

Godard, O., (2010), "La grande bifurcation de la conférence de Copenhague", Responsabilités et Environnement - Une série des Annales des Mines, "Après Copenhague", n°59, juillet, pp. 35-41.

Godard, O. (2010), "Circonstances de la justice et promesses pour les générations futures", revue Telos, 'What Future for Future Generations", IV, Fondation de Malte, novembre, pp. 17-43.

Godard, O., (2011), "Doit-on remettre en cause le principe de précaution?", Cahiers français, "Etat et sécurité", n°360, février.

Godard, O., (2010), "Genèse et avortement de la contribution carbone en France (2009-2010)", Cahiers de la Chaire Business Economics de l'Ecole Polytechnique, May, 55 p.

Hammoudi, H., C. Grazia, E. Giraud-Héraud and O. Hamza, (2010), "Hétérogénéité internationale des standards de sécurité sanitaire des aliments: quelles stratégies pour les filières d'exportation des PED? Une analyse normative", document de travail n°105 de l'Agence Française de Développement, July, 101 p.

Jouzel, J. and O. Godard, (2010), "Climat: un débat sous influence - propos recueillis par A. de Ravignan", Alternatives économiques, n°290, April, pp. 34-35.

Murphy M., F. Perrot et M. Rivera-Santos, (2010), "Relational Capacity for Social Innovation: A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation in Cross-Sector Partnerships", Working Paper.

Nicolaï J.-P., I. Pêchoux, J.-P. Ponssard and J. Pouyet, (2010), "Politique environnementale et ajustements aux frontières en présence de concurrence imparfaite", Revue Economique, 61(1), pp. 49-68.

Perrot F., (2010), "Vers la construction de marchés au bas de la pyramide: implications sur la gestion et le financement des projets", Revue Française de Gestion, 208-209, pp. 45-61.

Tirole J., (2010), "From Pigou to ExtendedLiability: On the Optimal Taxation of Externalities under Imperfect Financial Markets", Review of Economic Studies, 77, pp. 697–729

Treich N., (2010), "The Value of a Statistical Life under Ambiguity Aversion", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 59, pp. 15-26.


Crifo, P. and J.-P. Ponssard, (2009), "La Responsabilité Sociale et Environnementale des entreprises est-elle soluble dans la maximisation du profit?", Sociétal, n°66, 4ème trimestre.

Gollier C., (2009), "Copenhague 2009 : Incertitudes et Prix du Carbone", Working Paper.

Gollier C., (2009), "Should We Discount the Far-Distant Future at Its Lowest Possible Rate ?", Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 3, 2009-25 Voir le site.

Gollier C. and M.L. Weitzman, (2009), "How should the Distant Future be Discounted when Discount Rates are Uncertain?", Working Paper.

Gollier C., (2009), "Expected net Present Value, Expected net Future Value, and the Ramsey Rule", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 59(2), pp. 142-148.

Tirole J., (2009), "Politique climatique : une nouvelle architecture internationale", rapport préparé pour le Conseil d'Analyse Economique.


Ambec S., (2008), "L'innovation au service de l’environnement et de la performance économique", INRA Sciences Sociales, N. 6/07 (February).

Ambec S. and P. Lanoie, (2008), "Does it pay to be green?", in Academy of Management Perspectives, pp.45-62.

Chiappori P.-A. and C. Gollier (2008), "Competitive Failures in Insurance Markets : Theory and Policy Implications", June, MIT Press.

Gollier C., (2008a), "Intergenerational risk-sharing and risk-taking of a pension fund", Journal of Public Economics, 92/5-6, pp. 1463-1485.

Gollier C., (2008b), "Assets relative risk for long-term investors", Life & Pensions, January, pp. 35-40.

Gollier C., (2008c), "Optimal portfolio management for individual pension plans", in Pension Strategies in Europe and the United States, ed. by G. de Menil and P. Pestieau, MIT Press, pp. 273-292.

Gollier C., (2008d), "Discounting with fat-tailed economic growth", Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 37, pp. 171-186.

Gollier C., (2008e), "Non à une régulation court-termiste !", Revue Banque, 259, mai 2008, pp. 13-14.

Gollier C. and J. Giergingler, (2008), "Socially efficient discounting under ambiguity aversion", IDEI Working Paper 561.

Gollier C., P. Koundouri and T. Pantelidis, (2008), "Declining discount rates: Economic justifications and implications for long-run policy", Economic Policy, 56, pp. 757-795.

Gollier C., (2008), "Ecological discounting", Working Paper.

Lange A. and N. Treich, (2008), “Uncertainty, learning and ambiguity in climatepolicy : Some classical results and new directions”, Climatic Change, juillet.

Salanié F. and N. Treich, (2008), “Entreprises socialement responsables: quel sens, quel avenir ?”, Horizons stratégiques, n° 7 (janvier-mars 2008)


Gollier, C., (2007), "The consumption-based determinants of the term structure of discount rates", Mathematics and Financial Economics, 1(2), pp. 81-102.

Gollier, C., (2007), "La finance durable du rapport Stern", Revue d'Economie Politique, 117(4), pp. 463-473.

Gollier, C., (2007), "Whom should we believe ? Aggregation of heterogeneous beliefs", Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 35, pp. 107-127.

Gollier, C., (2007), "Comment intégrer le risque dans le calcul économique ?", Revue d'Economie Politique, 117(2), pp. 209-223.

Gollier, C. and J.-L. Nakamura, (2007), "Investisseurs socialement responsables: Quelle rationalité pour quelles perspectives?", Les Cahiers Français, avril 2007, n°337, pp. 90-97.

Gollier, C. and A. Leclair, (2006), "Pourquoi l'ISR a-t-il besoin de recherche universitaire ? Regards croisés", Revue d'Economie Financière, n°85, September, pp. 11-18.