Lan Anh Nguyen, Manh-Hung Nguyen, Arnaud Reynaud, and Michel Simioni, “A comparative study of residents and tourists' valuation for a heterogeneous environmental good: The case of coastal erosion”, Marine Policy, vol. 161, n. 106038, March 2024.
Lan Anh Nguyen, Manh-Hung Nguyen, Viet-Ngu Hoang, Arnaud Reynaud, Michel Simioni, and Clevo Wilson, “Tourists’ preferences and willingness to pay for protecting a World Heritage site from coastal erosion in Vietnam”, Environment, Development and Sustainability, August 2023.
Benjamin Ouvrard, Raphaele Préget, Arnaud Reynaud, and L. Tuffery, “Nudging and subsidising farmers to foster smart water meter adoption”, European Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 50, n. 3, July 2023, p. 1178–1226.
Anne Briand, Arnaud Reynaud, Franck Viroleau, Vasileios Markantonis, and Giuliana Branciforti, “Assessing the Macroeconomic Effects of Water Scarcity in South Africa using a CGE Model”, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, vol. 28, April 2023, p. 259–272.
Benjamin Ouvrard, Stefan Ambec, Arnaud Reynaud, Stéphane Cezera, and Murudaiah Shivamurthy, “Sharing Rules for a Common-Pool Resource in a Lab Experiment”, Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 59, April 2022, pp. 605–635.
Arnaud Reynaud, and Aymeric Ricome, “Marketing contract choices in agriculture: The role of price expectation and price risk management”, Agricultural Economics, vol. 53, 2022, pp. 170–186.
Cécile Aubert, and Arnaud Reynaud, “Does flood experience modify risk preferences? Evidence from an artefactual field experiment in Vietnam”, The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, vol. 45, n. 1, March 2020, pp. 36–74.
Sylvain Chabé-Ferret, Philippe Le Coent, Arnaud Reynaud, Julie Subervie, and Daniel Lepercq, “Can we nudge farmers into saving water? Evidence from a randomised experiment”, European Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 46, n. 3, July 2019, pp. 393–416.
Vasileios Markantonis, Arnaud Reynaud, Armağan Karabulut, Rana El Hajj, Dogan Altinbilek, Ibrahim M. Awad, Adriana Bruggeman, Vangelis Constantianos, Jaroslav Mysiak, Nicola Lamaddalena, Mohamed Salah Matoussi, Henrique Monteiro, Alberto Pistocchi, Ugo Pretato, Naser Tahboub, Ismail Kaan Tunçok, Olcay Ünver, Remco Van Ek, Bárbara Willaarts, Sönmez Bülent, Turan Zakir, and Giovanni Bidoglio, “Can the Implementation of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Support Economic Growth in the Mediterranean Region? The Current Status and the Way Forward”, Frontiers in Environmental Science, n. 7, 2019, p. 84.
Arnaud Reynaud, Manh-Hung Nguyen, and Cécile Aubert, “Is there a demand for flood insurance in Vietnam? Results from a choice experiment”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, vol. 20, n. 3, July 2018, pp. 593–617.
Bruna Grizzetti, Denis Lanzanova, C. Liquete, and Arnaud Reynaud, “Going Green? Ex-post Valuation of a Multipurpose Water Infrastructure in Northern Italy”, Ecosystem Services, vol. 27, October 2017, pp. 70–81.
Denis Lanzanova, and Arnaud Reynaud, “A global meta-analysis of the value of ecosystem services provided by lakes”, Ecological Economics, vol. 137, July 2017, pp. 184–194.
Denis Lanzanova, M.B. Milovanovicz, Arnaud Reynaud, and A. de Roo, “Informing Water Policies With a Residential Water Demand Function: The Case of Serbia”, European Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 13, n. 2, December 2016, pp. 247–266.
Manh-Hung Nguyen, and Arnaud Reynaud, “Valuing Flood Risk Reductions”, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, Springer Netherlands, vol. 21, n. 5, October 2016, pp. 603–617.
A.C. Cardoso, Bruna Grizzetti, C. Liquete, and Arnaud Reynaud, “Assessing water ecosystem services for water resource management”, Environmental Science and Policy, vol. 61, July 2016, pp. 194–203.
Arnaud Reynaud, “Assessing the impact of full cost recovery of water services on European households”, Water Resources and Economics, vol. 74, April 2016, pp. 65–78.
C. Liquete, N. Cid, Denis Lanzanova, Bruna Grizzetti, and Arnaud Reynaud, “Perspectives on the link between ecosystem services and biodiversity: The assessment of the nursery function”, Ecological Indicators, vol. 63, April 2016, pp. 249–257.