Jacques Crémer

Jacques Crémer

TSE Research Faculty

Professor of Economics, TSE

Current position

January 01 2018Special Adviser to European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager focusing on future challenges of digitisation for competition policy
October 13 2014Member of the Board of Advisory Editors of Games and Economic Behaviour
1991Senior researcher CNRS

Former positions

2017 - 2018Member, "Conseil National du Numérique"
2011 - 2014TSE Scientific Director
2002 - 2007Director of IDEI
1997 - 2003Professor, École Polytechnique
1996 - 2002Director of the École Doctorale de Sciences Économiques, University of Toulouse I
1995Visiting Professor, University of Southampton
1983 - 1992Professor of Economics, V.P.I & S.U.
1978 - 1984Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Pennsylvania


September 2007 - December 2007University of Maryland


1978Ph.D. Economics, Massachussets Institute of Technology
1973M.S. Management, Massachussets Institute of Technology
1970Ingénieur diplômé de l'École Polytechnique

Grants and awards

January 2011Member of the Orientation Committee for the new Undergraduate Diplom
April 2010Member of the Scientific Council, Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales
2009 - 2011Fellow of the Council of the Econometric Society
2009Fellow of the ARCEP Foresight Committee
2008Member of the Conseil Scientifique du departement SHS, CNRS
2005 - 2009Fellow of the European Economic Association Council
2000Member of the Council of the Econometric Society
1993Research Fellow of the Center for Economic Policy Research
1992Fellow of the Econometric Society
1991"Scholar Award in Economics", Viriginia Social Sciences Association
1988 - 1989Excellence in Teaching Award, Virginia Tech Economics Club


E-mail : see the e-mail

Office : T.668


Florence Chauvet

E-mail : see the e-mail

Tel : +33 (0)5 61 12 86 33

Office : T.153