19 septembre, 1er Business Talk animé par Alexandre Carbonnel (Alix Partners )

19 Septembre 2024 Evénements

Le service carrières est heureux de recevoir Alexandre Carbonnel (Alix Partners ) qui lancera la nouvelle série des Business Talk jeudi 19 septembre 2024 à 17h00.

Titre: “Working as a competition economist at AlixPartners : Cross-collaboration with data scientists, forensic accountants and sectoral experts”

Ces conférences visent à développer la culture économique des étudiants et à approfondir les études de cas.

Evénement dédié aux étudiants L3-M1-M2-Doctorants



Economic analyses in competition and litigation cases are becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated. As a results, economists now work with a range of experts from related fields, including forensic accountants, e-discovery experts, sectoral experts and data scientists. This Business Talk will highlight through examples how economists collaborate with other teams in the context of high-profile competition and litigation cases and how complementarities are mutually beneficial. It will also present how economists may use new tools such as AI to run economic analyses.

Bio issue du site internet Alix Partners:
Alexandre is an expert in competition economics and damages quantification who started his career at the UK’s competition authority before serving as a consultant in Brussels and Paris. He advises clients in the context of investigations by the European Commission and national competition authorities and provides support in the context of commercial litigation and arbitration, serving as a testifying quantum expert in high-profile disputes. His experience covers key sectors and industries, including pharmaceuticals, retail, digital platforms, and consumer goods, as well as network industries such as electricity and telecoms. Alexandre has a PhD in economics from the Toulouse School of Economics. He publishes regularly in peer-reviewed journals and lectures on competition economics at HEC Paris and the Toulouse School of Economics.


Contact : careers@tse-fr.eu