- ERC « Starting Grants »
- 2017-2022: Koen JOCHMANS: MiMo – Inference in Microeconometric Models - (Grant n°715787)
- 2016-2021: Takuro YAMASHITA: ROBUST - "Robust Mechanism Design and Robust Prediction in Games" (Grant n° 714693)
- 2012-2017: Thomas CHANEY: FINET - "Firm Networks Trade and Growth" (Grant n°337272)
- 2017-2021: Daniel GARRETT: DYNMECH - "Dynamic Mechanisms" (Grant n° 714147)
- 2014-2019: Eric GAUTIER: POEMH - "Parsimony and Operator methods for treatment of Endogeneity and Multiple sources of unobserved Heterogeneity” (Grant n° 337665)
- 2010-2015: Christian HELLWIG: InfoMacro - "Information Heterogeneity and Frictions in the Macroeconomy" (Grant n° 263790)
- 2012-2017: Augustin LANDIER: SOLSYS - "Systemic Risk and Financial Vulnerabilities: Diagnosis and Solutions" (Grant n° 312503)
- 2010-2015: Guillaume PLANTIN: RIFIFI - "Risk Incentives in Financial Institutions and Financial Instability" (Grant n° 263673)
- 2008-2013: Thomas MARIOTTI: ACAP - "Agency costs and Asset Pricing" (Grant n°203929)
- 2017-2023: Renato GOMES: PLATFORM - Competition and Regulation of Platform Markets (Grant n°759733)
- ERC « Advanced Grants »
- 2012-2017: Bruno BIAIS: TAP - "Trading and Post-trading" (Grant n° 295484)
- 2009-2013: Christian GOLLIER: Long-Term-Risks - "Evaluation and management of collective long-term risks" (Grant n°230589)
- 2015-2020: Bruno JULLIEN: ISECO - "Information services: competition and ex-ternalities" (Grant n° 670494)
- 2012-2018: Thierry MAGNAC: DYSMOIA - "Dynamic Structural Economic Models: Identification and Estimation" (Grant n° 295298)
- 2013-2018: Patrick REY: COOPETITION - "Cooperation and competition in vertical relations: the business strategies and industry oversight of supply agreements and buying patterns" (Grant n°340903)
- 2010-2015: Jean-Charles ROCHET: RMAC – "Risk Management After the Crisis" (Grant n°249415)
- 2010-2015: Jean TIROLE: COGNITION - “Cognition and Decision-Making: Laws, Norms and Contracts" (Grant n° 249429)
- 2016-2021: Jean TIROLE: MARKLIM - "Markets and their limits" (Grant n° 669217)
- 2014-2019: Daniel CHEN: NormCommitt - "Origins and Effects of Normative Commitments" (Grant n°614708)
- 2013-2016: Marc IVALDI: COEURE - "COoperation on EUropean Research in Economic's" (Grant n°320300). TSE is coordinator of this network, leading 9 European research institutes in 8 different countries.
- 2011-2014: Jean-Pierre AMIGUES: GLOBAL IQ - “Impacts Quantification of Global changes” (Grant n° 266992). TSE is coordinator of this network, leading 11 European research institutes in 8 different countries.
- 2011-2014: Vincent REQUILLART: TRANSFOP - “Transparency of Food Pricing” (Grant n° 265601)
- 2015-2018: Franck PORTIER: ADEMU – "A Dynamic Economic and Monetary Union" (Grant n°649396).
- PROJECT « MARIE SKLODOWSKA-CURIE - Individual Fellowships »
- 2015-2017: Joao CORREIA-DA-SILVA: MASIEGE - “Multilateral adverse selection in industrial economics and general equilibrium" (grant agreement 657283)
- ANR Projects
- Stéphane VILLENEUVE: PACMAN - "Principal-Agent, Contracts and Mean-field gAmes for eNergy" (ANR-16-CE05-0027-04)
- Alban THOMAS: ATCHA - Accompagner l'adaptation de l'agriculture irriguée au changement climatique (ANR-16-CE03-0006)
- Isis DURRMEYER, Mathias REYNAERT: CAREGUL - "Breathe in, breathe out: regulation on the European automobile market and air quality" (ANR-18-CE03-0003-01)
- Marion DESQUILBET: Ecohealth - "Approche EcoHealth pour l'évaluation de l'usage des fongicides SDHI: exposome et dangers pour la biodiversité et la santé humaine" (ANR-20-CE34-0004)
- Sylvain CHABE-FERRET: PENSEE - "Payments for ENvironmental Services: an Evidence-based Evaluation" (ANR-16-CE32-0011)
- Stefan AMBEC: EPE - "Economie Politique de l’Environnement" (ANR-12-BSH1-003-01)
- Ingela ALGER: HMEF - "Les motivations des êtres humains: fondements évolutionnaires" (ANR-12-CHEX-0012-01)
- Céline BONNET: DIET+ - "Effects of diet changes on market equilibrium, value sharing, public health, environment and land use" (ANR-17-CE21-0003)
- Christian BONTEMPS & Thierry MAGNAC: PART_IDENT - "Identification Partielle de Modèles Economiques Structurels" (ANR-2011-BSH1-C04-01)
- Stéphane CAPRICE: CBVC - "Competition and Bargaining in Vertical Chains" (ANR-12-FRAL-0012)
- Frédéric CHERBONNIER: EDIN - "Economy of Disruptive Innovation" (ANR-17-CE26-0005-01)
- Marion DESQUILBET: IDAE - Institution Des AgroEcologies (ANR-15-CE21-0006-09)
- Pierre DUBOIS: FAD - "Food consumption, Advertising and Dynamics" (ANR-15-ORAR-0001-01)
- Pierre DUBOIS: ANTIBIONOMICS - "Economics of Antibiotics: Incentives for Innovation and Health Care Costs" (ANR-16-CE36-0004-02)
- Patrick FEVE - Franck PORTIER: AMF - "Analyse des Multiplicateurs Fiscaux" (ANR-13-BSH1-002-01)
- Jean-Pierre FLORENS: IPANEMA - "Inverse problems and parsimony for econometric modeling and applications" (ANR-13-BSH1-0004-03)
- Christian GOLLIER: LONGTERMISM - Evaluation des investissements ultra-longs (ANR-17-CE03-0010-01)
- Yinghua HE: FDA - “Preference formation and Peer effects in university : the further deferred acceptance” (ANR-14-FRAL-0005-01)
- Yinghua HE: DesignEdu - “Designing Educational Policies: Evidence from Paris’ Secondary Education” (ANR-14-CE30-004-01)
- Astrid HOPFENSITZ: SINT - L'intelligence sociale: experiences et théories concernant les agents économiques (ANR-15-CE33-0005)
- Nour MEDDAHI: Covid-Metrics - Econometrics, Time Series, and Risk Management of Covid-19
- Sophie MOINAS: PIMS - "Price formation In financial MarketS" (ANR-16-CE26-0008-01)
- Vincent REQUILLART: PROBIO3 - “Biotechnologies et Bioressources" (ANR-11-BTBR-0003)
- Vincent REQUILLART: OCAD - "Offrir et Consommer une Alimentation Durable" (ANR-11-ALID-0002)
- Christine THOMAS-AGNAN: ModUland - "Usage des sols : modèles,dynamique et décisions" (ANR-11-BSH1-0005)
- Wilfried SAND-ZANTMAN: POLICRE - "Politique de la concurrence, marchés publics et régulation : de la théorie à la pratique" (ANR-12-BSH1-0009)
- Adrien BLANCHET: Muse – “Multi-displinary study of emergence phenomena”
- Pierre DUBOIS: EARSEPC – “Econometric analysis of the role of scientific evidence on prescription choices”
- Catarina GOULAO: OBEDIS – "Obesity Discrimination in hiring : a natural field experiment"
- Vincent REQUILLART: BIOMIP – "Bioful and bio-based products : market impacts of technology based on the use of co-products from the food industry"
- Stéphane STRAUB: Eleccor – "Corruption memory and electoral behavior in Paraguay"
La Sloan Foundation a attribué une subvention de 3 ans (2018-2021) à Daniel L. Chen pour développer le projet oTree, une plateforme open-source permettant de mettre en œuvre des expériences comportementales interactives en économie, études de marché, psychologie et domaines connexes. oTree est un projet soutenu par American Friends of TSE. www.otree.org